Singing Guide: The Lady Objects

Singing Guide: The Lady Objects

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing like Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is a pop icon who has become a global superstar through her unique vocal technique and iconic style. Whether you are a fan of her music or not, there is no denying the impact that she has had on the music industry.

In this article, we will explore some of the key techniques that Lady Gaga uses in her singing and provide practical advice on how to sing like her.


  1. Vibrato - Lady Gaga is known for her use of vibrato, which is the rapid variation of pitch used in singing. She often uses vibrato to add emotion and intensity to her singing. To learn how to use vibrato in your singing, check out this video from Singing Carrots.
  2. Twang - Lady Gaga also uses a vocal technique known as "twang" to add brightness and clarity to her voice. This technique involves narrowing the pharynx and raising the soft palate, resulting in a more focused sound. To learn how to use twang in your singing, check out this video from Singing Carrots.
  3. Chest voice and head voice - Lady Gaga frequently switches between her chest voice (lower range) and her head voice (higher range) to add dimension and range to her singing. To learn more about chest voice and head voice, check out this video from Singing Carrots.


Diving into Lady Gaga’s songs is the best way to understand her unique style and vocal expression. Here are a few suggestions of Lady Gaga songs to learn from:

  1. "Paparazzi" - This song showcases Lady Gaga's use of both twang and vibrato, as well as her range and control in both her chest and head voice.
  2. "Shallow" - In this duet with Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga uses emotive and breathy tones, making it a great study piece for controlling your breath and connecting to your emotions.
  3. "Just Dance" - This song features Lady Gaga's signature talk-singing style, which is a great way to work on your articulation and breath control.


  1. Warm up - Like any other physical activity, singing requires proper warm-up exercises to prepare your vocal cords for the practice.

  2. Find your own style - While it's great to learn from an artist like Lady Gaga, it's important to find your own style and not just imitate her. By taking inspiration while finding your own voice, you'll be able to create a unique identity that sets you apart as an artist.

  3. Practice regularly and consistently - To achieve results, regular and consistent practice is essential. For practicing singing, Singing Carrots has Pitch Training - an interactive vocal warm-up game and exercises for range and agility.

By incorporating these techniques, songs and advice, you will be well on your way to learning how to sing like Lady Gaga. Remember that it takes time and effort to develop and master any skill, so be patient and keep practicing. Singing Carrots is here to support you on your journey!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.